Chick-Fil-A & The Gay Dilemma

I am sure most of you have been mulling over the whole Chick-Fil-A issue like I have. Some of you have the belief that if you love Jesus you have to take a strong, loud & aggressive stand against all things related to gay marriage. Others believe that regardless of your personal views, you don't want the government deciding who is allowed to marry. Many fall somewhere in between. 
I am not here to tell you what to think about the issue, but to encourage us in the way we discuss it. 
This afternoon I found myself very worked up over this whole situation & the responses of some people. Then I was reminded of a story in the New Testament. The story where Judas hands Jesus over & Peter cuts off a servant's ear in an attempt to protect Jesus.
In situations like this I think it is easy to respond like Judas & Peter. To either throw our hands in the air & go home or to react & attack. 
And then there was Jesus. He didn't react like Peter, but loved & served unto death. He also didn't cower like Judas and give up. What did He do? He loved. He told the Truth. He saved the world.
Like it or not, Chick-Fil-A opened up a significant conversation in America. Our nation is eagerly listening to what we say over the coming days. 
Truth without love is abrasive and indigestible. Love without truth isn't love at all. My hope for the Church  is that we blend the two well. That whatever we say is done with a motivation of love not defense or fear.
My prayer is that each of us would get with God & decide exactly where we stand on the issue. Then communicate it in a way that is humble but not compromising.  
I hope that no matter what you believe about this issue you are full of grace.
If you are reading this and don't believe in God, I hope you know He loves you anyway.
If you consider yourself a homosexual, I hope you know you are valued. 

In the end people won't remember who yelled the loudest, but who loved the most. Our job is not to defend the Gospel, but to share the Gospel.
I pray we share it well over these coming weeks. Our world is dying to hear it.