I May Not Have An Empire, But I Have A Place


I may not have an empire, but I have a place.

There is no bustle of activity centered around me. There is no long list of emails to return. There is no interview I had to turn down. Nothing I have ever created is on Pinterest.
Willow Creek isn't pursuing me for their Leadership Summit. Mom blogs aren't banging down my door for me to be a guest writer. 
The meals I spend hours preparing each week are tasted by three other people and are never featured on magazine covers. My house has not been photographed for a design blog. 
Some people have empires that are built around them. Empires of leadership. Empires of ministry. Empires of beauty, fitness and reality television. Empires of cuisine and free printable menu planners.
There is an empire for everything. 
Throughout history people have built empires. Their faces have been memorized and their stories read. 
I've never been the very best at anything & that's okay. I'm good at several things, average in most things and terrible at a couple things. (mostly things involving sports equipment)
I know there are a lot of books and podcasts to tell me how to be a more successful blogger or how to grow my social media presence. There are people to tell me that my poor grammar could cost me the ability to become a famous blogger. So, what? I have a 30 min window & I won't be able to catch it all. Just the way it is right now.
I know that everyone has a team that gets them to the top & Rome wasn't built in a day. But, I'm not so sure why I need to build Rome? Why can't I build Pisa? A place only known for having an accidentally flawed & crooked tower?
I have a place and it isn't so bad. I have .0000000000000000012% of the blog world.
I have two pairs of little eyes that light up when I pull out a craft box.
I have a man who thinks everyone should take beauty advice from me because to him I am the most beautiful woman alive.
I have a scattering of people who would say I have impacted their lives.
I have a God who makes up for all of my lack. 
I may not have an empire, but I have a place. And that is alright with me.