I Have No Rights

Times of transition promote reflection for me. I not only reflect on the things I am leaving behind me, but also the things I see ahead of me...or want to see ahead of me. I love dreaming and imagining the possibilities, but sometimes it churns up things I wish stayed under the surface.

I find myself feeling entitled. As if I have a right to something. I jotted down a list of things I often feel I have a right to:

* owning a home
* having a comfortable amount of savings
* my kids attending the very best schools
* increase in my areas of influence without ever returning to a 'hidden' season
* taking fabulous vacations...every year. ( Europe preferably )
* to be asked with genuine sincerity "How are you doing?", "What do you think?" or "Can I help
* I think I have a right to make more money than I did last year
* to be the very best at something
* to be acknowledged and sought after
* to be understood

The list can go on...But, I have no rights. I have only grace. A Grace that holds me in my insecure moments. A Grace that takes me to the heights I could never reach on my own. A Grace that loves me when I am ridiculous and throw an internal fit over the list I mentioned above. A Grace that ignores all my lack of qualifications and risks on me regardless. A Grace that sees potential and not problems.

I do not have rights. I have Grace. And I will take that over rights any day.